Brand review, brand guidelines photo + video, and website redesign.
Case Name
Website Redesign
May 11, 2023

Case Study Summary:

 PFAFF Mechanical Insulation - Elevating Brand Presence with a Website Revamp and Marketing Collateral

Client: PFAFF Mechanical Insulation Objective: Create a powerful brand presence through a website revamp, brand creation, and marketing materials that effectively showcase PFAFF's expertise and services in the mechanical insulation industry.


  1. Discovery Phase: Through thorough phone conversations, we immersed ourselves in understanding PFAFF's unique needs, goals, and the essence of their business. This initial discovery phase allowed us to gather valuable insights and lay the foundation for the project.
  2. Crafting the Brand: Leveraging the gathered information, we meticulously created a comprehensive brand guideline that captured PFAFF's vision, mission, values, and visual identity. This guideline served as a roadmap to ensure consistency across all brand touchpoints.
  3. Visualizing Success: Armed with the brand guideline, we crafted a website mockup that showcased a modern, user-friendly design and highlighted PFAFF's services, expertise, and industry leadership. We also developed print marketing materials that aligned seamlessly with the new brand identity.
  4. Presenting the Vision: During an impactful in-person meeting, we unveiled the website mockup, print materials, and the newly created logo. PFAFF's team was excited to see the vision come to life and provided valuable feedback, allowing us to refine and enhance the final deliverables.
  5. Delivering Excellence: Our dedicated team diligently worked to bring the vision to reality. We designed and developed a polished website that not only reflected the new brand identity but also provided an intuitive user experience. Additionally, we delivered print marketing materials that aligned with the brand and showcased PFAFF's services with professionalism.


The outcome? PFAFF Mechanical Insulation received a fully revamped website that captured their expertise and engaged visitors, effectively positioning them as industry leaders. The cohesive brand identity, conveyed through the website, print materials, and the new logo, bolstered PFAFF's brand presence and credibility.

Through our collaboration, PFAFF now has a robust online platform that showcases its services, highlights its unique value proposition, and generates leads. The professional headshots project further strengthens their team's brand and enhances their professional image.

This case study exemplifies the power of a comprehensive approach, from brand creation to website revamp and marketing collateral. By strategically aligning PFAFF's brand identity with its business goals, we have successfully positioned them for growth and increased market visibility.

August 01, 2023
Full 360 review, brand review, brand guidelines photo + video, and website redesign.
May 11, 2023
Full 360 review, brand review, brand guidelines, photo + video and social media strategy.